Tuesday, April 19, 2016

how to create their own mobile phone theme

Assalamualaikum Wr. wb

and best wishes to You All
Before discussing what this article, You do not ever get bored with the Mobile theme is so-so wrote? Or maybe You've tried the application launcher but still bored with the theme? If ever, You can create a theme for the phone guys with the desired design.
Yeap! This article will discuss how guys made the theme of a mobile phone with desired design. huh ? can? You can do it !!
 You can use the Own Skin to create your own theme. Ever heard Own Skin right? If not, I'll tell more what it used to Own Skin.

Let's see how to create their own mobile phone theme ..

What's Own Skin? Own Skin is a website that provides features to create their own online mobile phone theme after theme finished and edited You can download the theme and apply it directly on the phone guys.
Ah, really ? Really ! The correct one ? Yes! Want to know how? Let's look ..

Here are the steps:

  1.  You go to a web page www.ownskin.com
  2.  Login, if You do not already have an account You can create an account first.
  3.  If you've logged in, select the menu Created
  4.  Choose to create a theme handphone
  5.  Select the type of mobile phone
  6.  Click the Express Theme Creator
  7.  Upload photos for Background and wallpapers
  8.  set as you wish
  9.  if completed, the waiting process.
  10.  Download theme

select download to a PC to download themes by You via computer.
Easy right? You can try it, and does not need to be confused to find a theme that you want, because now you can create your own.

A few times this article, hopefully useful and see you in the next article.
Thank've Been: D

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